Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday Funnies ~ Look Deep into my Eyes!

Happy Friday everyone!
It is me...
While my momma is busy in the studio, I have been learning how to hypnotize her!
I want to cast a spell on her so that she will feed me more and think it is of her Free Will!
The first lesson I learned is that you have to get your subject to look deep into your eyes and concentrate and relax.
That is not actually as easy as it sounds since everytime my momma does this, she smiles and gives me a big hug and a kiss!
She never just sits still for one minute!
The 2nd thing I learned is a very important lesson...

Do not practice hypnotizism on yourself in the mirror!
It makes you very, very sleepy and you may even sleep right through dinner like I did after this practice session!
Oh My!

Oh well... maybe I will try some other technique to get more treats...
Like wiping peanut butter on my momma's cheek and then slurping it off.
What FUN things do you have planned for the weekend?
Please leave me a note and let me know!
I cannot wait to hear all about them!


Molly the Airedale said...

We just love that picture of you and your momma, Archie! Have a fabulous Friday!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Idaho PugRanch said...

Hhmm We think we will try the peanut butter thing. Looks like fun. Have a great weekend
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Sketching with Dogs said...

If you ever learn that hypnosis thing let us know! That is a very cute photo of you and your mum, aww!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Poppy said...

You hypnotized yourself!? You must be getting really good at it.


Payton's mom said...

These photos are positively perfect! Hope you are enjoying the wintery weekend.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi R-Chee- it seems to me that peanut butter is the bestest idea of all- but I must say it was so brave of you to try to hypnotize your mama!
I love your ideas,,, and I love that photo of you and your mama! You two have the happiest smiles in the world- and I want a smile just like yours.