Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Funnies ~ Archie I can see you Thinking!

Happy Friday everyone!

It is me...


My momma keeps telling me how expressive my little pug face is!

She said she can see when I am thinking!

How does she do that?

I guess my head starts glowing or something when all cylinders are firing!

Can you tell when I am thinking too?

Let's do an experiment together...

I will think of something and you tell me what happens!

Ok! I am thinking right ... NOW!

What happened?

Do I look different?

I do not feel different!

What do you see?

Momma, why are you smiling? :)

I think she knows I have been thinking again!

How does she do that?!

If you figured it out, please me know her secret!

Can you guess what I have been thinking about?

I will give you a hint...

There are grocery bags on the counter with ingredients everywhere!

Oooo! Deeelicious smells are wafting from the kitchen....

I think dad is cooking dinner!


I had better get my bib tied on!

I am a messy eater!

From the looks of it here, dad is planning to cook up a storm!

What do you have planned this weekend?

Please leave me a note and let me know!

I cannot wait to hear all about it!

Would you like to come over for dinner?

I always have room for you at my table!



Sketching with Dogs said...

Yes, we can see you concentrating hard Archie.
Mmmm, wonder what your dad is cooking - that's got us thinking too!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Molly the Airedale said...

It's your eyes, Archie! They sparkle!
I can't wait to find out what your dad is whipping up!

Love ya lots,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We aren't sure what you are thinking, Archie, but we are thinking you are very smart. AND we are on our way for dinner, be sure to save us some.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Meredith LeBlanc said...

R-Chee, is your Dad cooking corn beef and cabbage for you??? Sounds yummy in your tummy!

Scarlet & Meredith

agent99 said...

Whatever you are thinking, I am sure it has to do with FOOD. You are a pug after all. and you are very very adorable!

Gen & Foo

The Daily Pip said...

I think you are thinking - Papa, please give me a bite of the yummy dinner you are making!

Your pal, Pip

Payton said...

Yep, I guess food! That is a constant thought in my mind too! I would love to join you at the table for dinner anytime Archie. No big plans for us this weekend. What about you?

Suzy said...

My guess is that you are thinking about FOOD! Which is what most pugs think about 24/7 :)

dw said...

Archie, could it be that so much of the time you're thinking about food?? I really think that's why puggies have the most expressive faces in the dog world! You are such a little cutie patootie, I hope you got some of those goodies!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Archie
I know what you were thinking! Yes, I do!
You were thinking,, "hummmmmmmmmm
there is something in the bag for me!
I just know!"
And you were thinking "I wish something falls on the floor"!
And you were thinking "whats that smell"!
Oh yes Archie- I want to come for dinner.. Tell your dad to save some for me!

marianne said...

You have a lovely expressive face!
You are probably thinking a lot of smart things concerning food and playtime?!

Have a wonderful Sunday Archie! Have fun!